Dental Awareness Programme on December 7th, 2010' (Pre-Primary Section)

Theme of the Year: India I care!!!
If not me, WHO?
If not now, WHEN?
Pre-Primary Section 2010-2011

Dental Check up camp

UH/A/027/2010-11 Date: - 01/12/2010

Dear Parents,

The school has organized a Dental Awareness Programme for the parents of the Pre-Primary Section. The details for the same are as follows.

Date: 7th December, 2010
Time: 9.00am – 10.15am (Morning Section)
1.30pm – 2.45pm (Afternoon Section)

The above programme will be conducted by Dr. Shailendra Pathak.

A dental check – up camp for the students of the Pre-Primary Section will also be conducted by Dr. Shailendra Pathak during the regular school hours and the diagnostic report for the same will be sent home with your child.


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